4.Sınıf İngilizce 6. Ünite Fun With Science

1 )What is "science" in Turkish ?

A) Karıştırma
B) Bilim
C) Matematik
D) Tohum

2 )What is "şişe" in Turkish ?

A) Bike
B) Container
C) Bottle
D) Pot

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3 )Where is the cat?

A) The cat is on the table
B) The cat is under the table
C) The cat is in the table
D) The cat is in front of the table

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4 )He is _________ the flowers

Cümlede boş bırakılan yere aşağıdakilerden hangisi gelmelidir?

A) plantig
B) taking
C) peeling
D) watering

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5 )What color is the ball ?

A) red
B) blue
C) green
D) gray

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6 )Is the dog in front of the hut ?

A) Yes he is
B) Yes, it is
C) No,he isn’t
D) No,it isn’t

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7 )What color is the box ?

A) purple
B) red
C) black
D) orange

8 )"Under" kelimesinin zıt anlamlısı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Behind
B) In front of
C) On
D) Near

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9 )What are these ?

A) boxes
B) glass
C) scissors
D) chairs

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10 )Where is the bird?

A) It is on the cage
B) It is in the cage
C) It is in front of the cage
D) It is under the cage